Requirement (When to use?):
When you have to delete users listed an excel sheet or any .csv convertable file. It can be best useful in mass deletion requirements.Agent:
Sub InitializeDim session As New NotesSession
Dim db,addbk As NotesDatabase
Dim usrvw As NotesView
Dim Username As String
Dim delcounter As Integer
Dim nap As NotesAdministrationProcess
Dim FIleNumber As Integer
Dim Filename As String
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
'Getting Address book.
Set addbk=session.GetDatabase("Server Name","names.nsf",0)
'To locally test enter server as blank Ex: "".
Set usrvw=addbk.getview("$NamesFieldLookup")
'If $NamesFieldLookup is not in the database, please use the different 'view which is sorted on the name format we have in .csv file.
'Creating a file accesser
fileName$="File Path"
'Example: D:\usrdel.csv
Open fileName For Input As fileNumber%
On Error Resume next
Do Until EOF(fileNumber%)
Input #fileNumber%,Username
Call nap.DeleteUser(Username, True , MAILFILE_DELETE_ALL , "Description about deletion",False)
'notesAdministrationProcess.DeleteUser( username$ , immediate , mailfileaction% , denygroup$ [ , deletewindowsuser ] )
'mailfileaction% :
'MAILFILE_DELETE_ALL (2) deletes the mail file On the user's home server and all replicas.
'MAILFILE_DELETE_HOME (1) deletes the mail file On the user's home server.
'MAILFILE_DELETE_NONE (0) leaves the user's mail file.
'Use the required option.
Print "Deleted " & CStr(delcounter) " Users"
End Sub
- You can create this agent in any of the database. (Local or server)
- Id that sign's agent need to have admin access such that it can raise and adminp request.
- .CSV file should have complete canonical name of the users.